
Crunchfish Provides Programmable Money support in Digital Cash

Crunchfish today released a new version of the Digital Cash SDK which brings support for programmable money. Programmable money brings the possibility to dedicate payments for pre-defined categories, for example meal benefits, health welfare, allowances, etc. A sub-wallet is dedicated for the specific category of payments and validated to ensure that debit is made from the correct sub-wallet. This is an important feature especially for CBDC implementations but is also relevant for commercial payment applications.


Digital Cash SDK 2.6 will be launched at the Payments, Innovation, And Technology Week in London. This event, organized by Currency Research, gathers Central Banks, regulators, payment operators and technology providers from across the world. CPO Magnus Lageson will host a Lunch Session on Tuesday September 24, where he will present how Digital Cash now also adds support for programmable money. 


The Government of India introduced the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) program to transfer/credit subsidies directly into a person’s bank account. By using programmable money, it is possible to ensure that e.g. a food benefit is assigned to an applicable sub-wallet and only used for its intended purpose.


Focus areas for the new Digital Cash SDK have been to add functionality to meet general requirements from the market, including e.g. programmable money and new security features. Also, specific requirements identified in the ongoing customer integrations have been implemented to strengthen the Digital Cash product portfolio even further.


Other highlights in the new Digital Cash SDK version 2.6 include:

  • Customer specific reference field
  • Improved application interfaces and documentation to simplify integration for customers
  • Support for iOS 18 and Android 15
  • Improved certificate management 
  • Improved security features


“Thanks to our ongoing projects and partners we have received new requirements which our development team has been working hard to finalize. I’m really happy that we now can offer programmable money support to our customers and partners in order to support pre-defined purposes of payments. One example of such application is the Indian DBT program. I’m very much looking forward to present our latest developments at the Payments, Innovation, And Technology Week in London. ” says Magnus Lageson, CPO at Crunchfish Digital Cash.


More information about Direct Benefit Transactions in India is available here.


The new version will be made available to existing customers through the Crunchfish Developer portal. 


For more information, please contact:

Joachim Samuelsson, CEO of Crunchfish AB

+46 708 46 47 88 


This information was provided by the contact person above for publication on September 24th, 2024, at 08:30 CET.


Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB is the Certified Adviser. Email: Telephone +46 40 200 250.


About Crunchfish

Crunchfish is a deep tech company developing a Digital Cash platform for Banks, Payment Services and CBDC implementations and Gesture Interaction technology for AR/VR, automotive and digital interfaces. Crunchfish is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market since 2016, with headquarters in Malmö, Sweden and with subsidiary in India.



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Crunchfish half-year report 2024 webinar

Crunchfish AB (“Crunchfish”) half-year report 2024 webinar is now available, where Crunchfish CEO Joachim Samuelsson is interviewed by Chief Analyst Martin Dominique from Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance.

Two men sitting at a table

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The webinar about Crunchfish half-year report for 2024 is now available via the following link:

Webinar half-year report


Crunchfish half-year report for 2024 is available via the following link:

Crunchfish half-year report 2024


For more information, please contact:

Joachim Samuelsson, CEO of Crunchfish AB

+46 708 46 47 88 


This information was provided by the above for publication on 26th August 2024 at 08.30 CET.


Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB is the Certified Adviser. Email: Telephone +46 40 200 250.


About Crunchfish –

Crunchfish is a deep tech company developing a device-agnostic generic trusted client application platform for offline payments, tokenized card payments as well as other mobile client / server systems. Crunchfish has been listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market since 2016, with headquarters in Malmö, Sweden and with a subsidiary in India.

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Crunchfish publishes half-year report for 2024

Today, Crunchfish AB (“Crunchfish”) publishes the company’s half-year report for the second quarter and the first six months of 2024. Below is a brief summary of the report.

Group Financials 2024-04-01
Net sales (SEK) 431 893 294 731 2 097 231 465 303
Profit or loss before tax (SEK) -7 934 616 -8 639 245 -14 189 599 -15 467 604
Earnings per share (SEK) -0,20 -0,26 -0,36 -0,47
Equity-assets-ratio (%) 79,80% 82,50% 79,80% 82,50%
Total cash and bank balances (SEK) 12 503 395 9 129 869 12 503 395 9 129 869

The report is available as an attached document to this press release as well as through the company’s website.

“Crunchfish has a unique position in the market by offering device-agnostic trusted applications for offline use. Key market segments with demand for offline services without device dependencies are CBDC and emerging markets. We are busy making proposals for such opportunities and presenting at events to explain our technology. We need to sustain the business as it will take time before outcomes of these sales processes are known. We are therefore considering our financing options where revenue-sharing of future revenues looks most attractive. “, says Joachim Samuelsson, Crunchfish’s CEO.

For more information, please contact:

Joachim Samuelsson, CEO of Crunchfish AB

+46 708 46 47 88

This information is Crunchfish AB obliged to publish in accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was provided by the contact person above for publication on 23rd August 2024 at 08:30 CET.

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB is the Certified Adviser. Email: Telephone +46 40 200 250.


About Crunchfish

Crunchfish is a deep tech company developing a device-agnostic generic trusted client application platform for offline payments, tokenized card payments as well as other mobile client / server systems. Crunchfish has been listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market since 2016, with headquarters in Malmö, Sweden and with a subsidiary in India.

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Invitation to a webinar about Crunchfish’s interim report for Q2 2024

On Friday, August 23rd at 08.30 CET / 12.00 IST, Crunchfish publishes its Q2 report for 2024. At 09.00 CET / 12.30 IST, a webinar about the report will be hosted on Zoom where Crunchfish CEO Joachim Samuelsson will be interviewed by Chief Analyst Martin Dominique from Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance.

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During the webinar, the chat function will be active, and the participants will be able to ask question regarding the report. In order to participate, registration is done via the following link.  


A recording of this webinar will also be available afterward on Crunchfish’s website as well as Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance’s website. 



For more information, please contact:

Joachim Samuelsson, CEO of Crunchfish AB

+46 708 46 47 88 


This information was provided by the above for publication on 22nd August 2024 at 08:30 CET.


Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB is the Certified Adviser. Email: Telephone +46 40 200 250.


About Crunchfish –

Crunchfish is a deep tech company developing a device-agnostic generic trusted client application platform for offline payments, tokenized card payments as well as other mobile client / server systems. Crunchfish has been listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market since 2016, with headquarters in Malmö, Sweden and with a subsidiary in India.



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Function before Form: Assumptions to Avoid when Designing Retail CBDC Systems – New Whitepaper by Crunchfish

Retail CBDC systems are challenging to implement in practice. There are many features of cash that are desirable to replicate in digital form, such as the ability to pay offline and with privacy. This whitepaper highlights the problems of making premature design decisions on form without realizing its limiting consequences on the function and presents alternatives that are more suited for delivering the desired function. Defining function before form is of paramount importance for a successful implementation of CBDC in practice.

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This whitepaper discusses two pre-mature design decisions on form for retail CBDC systems that has negative consequences on function. First, the assumption of representing retail CBDC as a digital banknote. A layer-2 approach which improves privacy and has better ability to pay with exact amounts is discussed in the whitepaper. The second example of pre-mature assumptions on form relates to hardware-based secure elements. The whitepaper discusses trusted client applications in virtual secure elements as a better form for implementing the retail CBDC function. Find the whitepaper on this link.


This Crunchfish whitepaper is also published today on pages 12-15 in Currency Research bulletin Central Bank Payment News, July 2024 edition.


“Crunchfish argued early that it is not ideal to implement retail CBDC for offline payments in the form of a digital banknote. We also believe in delivering trust in mobile devices for offline payments by means of virtual secure elements, in contrast to using hardware-based secure elements. I believe Crunchfish will be proven right on both counts", says Joachim Samuelsson, Crunchfish’s CEO.


For more information, please contact:

Joachim Samuelsson, CEO of Crunchfish AB

+46 708 46 47 88 


This information was provided by the above for publication on 29th July 2024 at 16:15 CET.


Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB is the Certified Adviser. Email: Telephone +46 40 200 250.


About Crunchfish –

Crunchfish is a deep tech company developing a device-agnostic generic trusted client application platform for offline payments, tokenized card payments as well as other mobile client / server systems. Crunchfish has been listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market since 2016, with headquarters in Malmö, Sweden and with a subsidiary in India.



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Crunchfish receives US patent for the initial fundamental Digital Cash innovation

Crunchfish Digital Cash AB (“Crunchfish”) has received a Notice of Allowance from the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for its initial Digital Cash patent application indicating that all claims are deemed patentable. US is the first jurisdiction to grant a patent for this innovation. The patent with application number US 17/796 050 is valid until January 2040, 20 years from the original filing date.

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This patent protects many fundamental aspects of offline payments. The basic scope is that the transaction is digitally signed by the payer and transmitted locally to the payee as a token providing the payee with a digitally signed commitment. When any of the parties gets online access, the transaction, stored by both parties, is communicated to the back-end ledger independently of each other. 


This patent application has previously received a positive International Preliminary Report on Patentability and it is now in the process of being nationalized in the US, Europe, India, China, and Taiwan.


” It is extremely pleasing that our first and very fundamental Digital Cash patent application for offline payments is now granted in the US. This is strategically important for several reasons; the patent application has an early priority date January 2020, a very wide scope that protects many technical aspects and we expect that our many other Digital Cash patent applications may also later be granted in other jurisdictions”, says Joachim Samuelsson, CEO of Crunchfish.


For more information, please contact:

Joachim Samuelsson, CEO of Crunchfish AB

+46 708 46 47 88 


This information is such information as Crunchfish AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 11:45 CET on July 1st, 2024.


Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB is the Certified Adviser. Email: Telephone +46 40 200 250.


About Crunchfish –

Crunchfish is a deep tech company developing a device-agnostic generic trusted client application platform for offline payments, tokenized card payments as well as other mobile client / server systems. Crunchfish has been listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market since 2016, with headquarters in Malmö, Sweden and with a subsidiary in India.


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